Step into a world of black and white for a Purim night of celebration! Hear the Megillah, sip on cocktails from our open bar, and indulge in a delicious spread of Israeli dishes. Come dressed up in your best monochrome, invite a friend to join, and get ready for a night where nothing is gray! This is a 21+ event. Doors Open 7:30 PM | Megillah Reading 8:00 PMPURIM DAY:
A performance by Silly Billy the Clown, megillah reading, purim crafts & games, pizza dinner, welcome Shabbat together with us in a community candle-lighting ceremony! Grab your costumes and bring the whole family along for an epic Purim party! Doors Open | 4:30pm

Matanot La'Evyonim
One of Purim's primary themes is Jewish unity. Haman tried to destroy us all—we were all in danger together, so we celebrate together, too. Hence, on Purim day we place special emphasis on caring for those less fortunate.
One of the mitzvot of Purim is to give money or food, "matanot la'evyonim," to at least two needy people during the daylight hours of Purim. Rabbi Berel will be distributing monetary gifts to the needy and can represent you in your acts of charity.
You can participate by giving your tax-deductible contribution which will be distributed on Purim. (Please include Purim in note section of donate form)