And on the seventh, He rested
An island in time and an opportunity to shift focus toward what we truly hold dear. Shabbat in the Village is an experience like no other. Delight in delicious homemade Challah, and bond with neighbors and friends of varied backgrounds but shared heritage.
Join us for soulful and meaningful prayer services. All are welcome and no prior experience is necessary, as prayers are conducted in English and Hebrew, sprinkled with song and a running commentary by Rabbi Berel. Prayers are followed by a hearty Kiddush.
Please contact our Minyan President for more info and to confirm times and location.
Rabbi for a day!
Members of Chabad West Village have strong opinions. We want to hear yours! Is there a parshah that is particularly meaningful to you? Or one that you just can't wrap your mind around?
A dozen times a year members of our shul work with Rabbi Berel to give their own short D'var Torah (sermon), and sponsor that week's kiddush. No knowledge of Hebrew required. Please join us and inspire other members of the community to agree (or disagree) with you.
Host a Friday night dinner at Chabad for you and your friends! Whether it's your first time or you're a seasoned pro, Rabbi Berel and Chana are here to help make it an unforgettable experience. You'll feel confident hosting after just one session.
Sponsor a Dinner: $1,000 for up to 20 guests. Contact us for pricing on larger groups